
Photo: Sola Fide Photography

Amelia Hadley finds great joy in serving Christ through speaking, performing and writing. She’s a former freelance journalist, having contributed to The Desert Sun, Desert Magazine, USA Today, and other local and national publications. Amelia is a storyteller who loves the written and spoken word and seeks to live outside the bonds of stereotypes. She serves in various ways at her church, but calls her family her truest ministry. She is John’s wife and a mom to four children in elementary, middle, and high school. She lives with her brood in Southern California.



A note from Amelia…

People often ask me where the name for this blog came from. The “fine linen” part came from the Book of Proverbs — She makes coverings for herself; Her clothing is fine linen and purple (31:22) — and the “rebel” part came from the idea that, as a Christ-follower, I’m called to rebel against the world.

I certainly don’t fit the mold of the stereotypical Christian woman.

I have tattoos. I wear a lot of black. I can be snarky. In addition to church, fellowship, and worship, my husband and I expose our children to theatre, literature, art, music, and the public school system. And we are Christ-followers.

The only label I’m really interested in is the one that reads “She loves Jesus.”

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